Forum Gaming

First of all, I’d like to apologise for not having posted in such a long time… Again. >_>
Second of all, there’s been so much happening recently!

So, let’s start off with something of interest to me.
Hidden away on the forums, in a dark and damp corner is a game which is shortly starting round two. It’s called Werewolves, Serial Killers and Demons.

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VLC is a piece of crap

Now this is a line everyone has heard every once in a while but apparently many people are still unable process that piece of information.
So instead of me writing a tl;dr post why it sucks, why don’t I just let Yuki explain to you why is that…

So please stop bitching about VLC being unable to play various encodes and use a proper player.

Posted in Educational | 24 Comments

Just for Kagenoryu

User Kagenoryu is thinking of unregistering his account, but not just through any ordinary method. No, he wants it public and noticeable so people know his reasons for doing so. Unfortunately, at the moment our system does not send out notifications of user-pruning to all users.

In Kagenoryu’s interest, this is perhaps the next best thing we can do: help publicise his possible intention to unregister. I don’t think we enjoy a very large readership, but I hope this post gets noticed enough to fulfill Kagenoryu’s wish.

* kureshii spends yet another silent minute, in memory of another user who might have to fade into anon-ship.

So many souls we have lost… but we must push on. There is much work to be done.

Posted in Life, Staff Blog! | 11 Comments

Little fun from #support

[18:33] <newy> !fix
[18:33] <newy> !fixing
[18:33] <Duki> Fixing your ratio:
[18:46] <newy> I’m being discriminated against by za mods!

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Posted in Entertainment, Staff Blog! | 8 Comments

Thank you for your support so far

It seems the site came back up again while I was asleep; Leaseweb found we were no longer being spammed with heavy traffic, and reconnected us.

Not forgetting that we are being threatened with another DDoS in a week’s time (by the same guy), I will say it is probably too early to be thanking people and bringing things to a close, but I don’t want the rest of this week to go by without any appreciation from us either.

On the list of people to thank:
houkouonchi, our top seeder, for his usual generosity.
Torrentfreak et al., for their well-written coverage of the incident.
and many others, for your touching offers of assistance. Fortunately, they are not needed just yet.
(If you’d prefer not to be mentioned here, just drop me a PM on Rizon.)

This list is not exhaustive; I’ll update it as soon as I get more names from the other staff members.

Leech/seed what you can for now, and keep your fingers crossed!

P. S. I’ve managed to get a lot of anime-watching done during this downtime. I hope you have been spending your time productively too 🙂

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Posted in Staff Blog! | 5 Comments

Some Updates on the DDoS

[Brought over from the other blog domain; comments have been left unimported]

Not much to say about the incident at this point, but I’ll just clarify some things on our side.

By the way, we’re on IRC (#bakabt on Feel free to drop by if you like (although most of the time we’re talking about things other than the DDoS).
You can use Rizon webchat, just register with nickserv (/msg nickserv register [password] [email]) and identify (/msg nickserv identify [password]) before joining (/join bakabt).
roffamaffia is here too, under the nick UchihaSasuke, so you can tell him how much you love him (/msg UchihaSasuke hello there).

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Posted in Staff Blog! | 1 Comment

BakaBT is back on Facebook

I’m sure everyone knows that we had a Facebook page a while ago. And those of you who have thought to check will have noticed that the page went down and the URL no longer links to the page. This is due to Malus’ retirement, if you haven’t guessed already.

A new Facebook page has been created and can be accessed here:

However, Facebook is silly and won’t let me reclaim the shortcut, so I’m going to need suggestions for a new one! I’d offer a prize of sorts, but I can’t think of anything.

Posted in Announcements | 10 Comments

BakaBT Wallpaper pack

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Posted in Entertainment, Recommended Torrent | 13 Comments

Blog has moved back to

Just a heads up, for those of you that might have RSS feeds running or bookmarks: update the address.

Posted in Announcements | 1 Comment

The Legion Marches Again!

A long time ago I created the Chan Legion to provide lulz and a warm troll-like feeling to BakaBT. Mainly focusing on annoying IRC users, we had lots of fun.
Our last main event was the October Rickroll. (Yes, I’m still giggling at all the people who cried about wasted bandwidth.)
Anyway, after this event, I closed the doors to the fortress and considered us done. A job completed and a mission achieved.

I was wrong.

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Posted in Comedy | 5 Comments