Monthly Archives: December 2009

… And A Happy New Year!

So on behalf of the Chan Legion… And this cute little girl. Happy New Year and welcome to 2010! The Chan Legion hopes to cause more mayhem and panic all though the year… (But only when the staff ain’t watching!) … Continue reading

Posted in Life, Staff Blog! | 2 Comments


Dear readers and BakaBT users, Recently, I realised that we haven’t really been acknowledging the efforts of subbers, encoders, uploaders and such. This I noticed after looking at one of the recently granted offers, namely Princess Tutu OVAs. How insensitive … Continue reading

Posted in Entertainment, Staff Blog! | 4 Comments


As the picture above says, Merry Christmas everyone! Welcome to the new dawning of so many things.

Posted in Life, Staff Blog! | 2 Comments

A Day In the Life

As any admin/mod knows, you will always be insulted for doing your job, no matter how conscientious, hardworking and good-natured you are (not that we are all of the above three, but I’m sure we fit at least one of … Continue reading

Posted in Fail, Rant | Tagged | 11 Comments