Category Archives: Rant

Mod work.

So as we all know, I’m one of the lazier staff members around. -points to blog- Amazingly though I do do some work, today alone I’ve had the following and thought I’d share….

Posted in Entertainment, Fail, Life, Rant, Staff Blog! | 5 Comments

A thought about Easter

Well, with the German Easter holidays approaching, I started to wonder why there never was an Easter special in the animes I saw (at least I don’t remember). There is a focus on every little day that I barely heard … Continue reading

Posted in Educational, Entertainment, Mystery Blogger, Rant | Tagged , | 11 Comments

The H-Bomb: Hentai

To every other non-Japanese fan of anime, more often than not he or she gets ridiculed for watching “silly cartoons”, and this is normal. If you have not, I salute your awesomeness. For every other non-fan of anime, he or … Continue reading

Posted in Educational, Life, Rant | 16 Comments

Weekly dose of fail

This past few weeks we really gave us a hard time choosing the winners of the “Fail of the week contest” because of great interest and massive number of applications received… Reading the Wiki is quite hard, but apparently typing … Continue reading

Posted in Fail, Rant, Staff Blog! | 5 Comments

I am smrt coz I google

We weren’t originally planing to blog about this guy, but he really kept pushing it – well I guess we just went ahead with it. Protip: don’t tell us your plans to (attempt to) cheat: I made this account because … Continue reading

Posted in Fail, Rant, Staff Blog! | 9 Comments

Fail of the week

Been a while since we had something interesting to post for this section, not because the amount of fail has decreased or disappeared altogether but rather because we stopped being surprised by it and thought we had seen it all… … Continue reading

Posted in Fail, Rant, Staff Blog! | 5 Comments

A Day In the Life

As any admin/mod knows, you will always be insulted for doing your job, no matter how conscientious, hardworking and good-natured you are (not that we are all of the above three, but I’m sure we fit at least one of … Continue reading

Posted in Fail, Rant | Tagged | 11 Comments

To fansub or not to fansub

For the few of you who know me (or rather, the few of you that actually care), you know that I have gotten into fansubbing lately. It was partly on a whim, and partly to see just what it’s like … Continue reading

Posted in Rant, Staff Blog! | 3 Comments


Ok, so I’m many months late on this rant, but anyway. 13 years ago, Madhouse animated Tetsuwan Birdy. This is what it looked like: This year, in 2009, A1 Pictures animated Tetsuwan Birdy DECODE 2. This is what it looks … Continue reading

Posted in Rant, Staff Blog! | 2 Comments

Ughh, downtown

I hate going downtown. There’s nothing to see there, the pedestrian walkways stink of automotive exhaust and fucking cigarette smoke, and people walk so slow they’re like chibis with fucking stumps for legs. Each time I go for a few … Continue reading

Posted in Life, Rant, Staff Blog! | 7 Comments