Category Archives: Rant

Moderating as therapy

A quick post while on a coffee break; I don’t know if anyone else feels (or is crazy enough to feel) the same way, but I do find moderating quite therapeutic. On a good day you see good offers waiting … Continue reading

Posted in Life, Rant, Staff Blog! | 6 Comments

Weekends Are Too Short

It’s a never-ending cycle really. Every Monday, you look forward to Friday and every Friday, you hope Monday is far away. But before you know it, it’s Monday again and you need to get up early for work. There is … Continue reading

Posted in Life, Rant, Staff Blog! | 7 Comments


I know this has probably been addressed over, and over, then beaten to death with a stick, but it’s a point of discussion that comes up constantly amongst staff: users not reading our rules and guidelines. For users from a … Continue reading

Posted in Rant, Staff Blog! | Tagged , , | 2 Comments

Look + Feel

It’s almost one in the morning, so I decided to post something for a change. As many of you know, we do have a wiki and an FAQ to handle many of the questions that our users have as well … Continue reading

Posted in Rant, Staff Blog! | 5 Comments